Project Milestones


Website update and redesign to facilitate access through mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops), including the ability to add direct access to a smartphone from an icon (App).

Instructions for Android:

  1. Launch your web browser and open the desired website.
  2. Tap the menu icon ( menu lateral )in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. From the contextual menu, tap Add to Home Screen.
  4. Enter a name for the shortcut.
  5. Tap twice on Add to confirm.

Instructions for iOS:

  1. Launch the Safari browser and open the desired website.
  2. Tap the Share button (square with an arrow pointing upward  safari share ).
  3. Scroll down to view more options.
  4. Tap the Add to Home Screen icon.
  5. Enter a name for the shortcut and tap Add.

Creation of a new Web site and expansion of the database with words collected from other Canadian francophone communities.

Fall 2009
Publication of the book Les mots pour parler des maux (“Words Used to Talk About Aches and Pains”) by Gisèle Chevalier and Lise Rodrigue. 2,000 copies were distributed in health training centres across Canada by CNFS – Volet Université de Moncton and copies were also made available for purchase at Librairie acadienne on the Université de Moncton’s campus.

Fall 2008
Submission of a master’s thesis featuring more than 150 words compiled by Lise Rodrigue as well as 400 words taken from Glossaire acadien de la santé (GAS).

Spring 2006
Words were collected and entered into an online public database GAS. Users were able to search words by theme and language (Acadian French, standard French, and English). Site was deleted in 2010.


Lise Rodrigue compiled a list of health-related terms that she found in various Acadian French glossaries and dictionaries, and then checked the occurrence of the words in other sources in order to trace their origin and evolution in Canadian French.

An open-ended questionnaire was sent to a large number of individuals, including doctors, nurses, employees of clinics or health offices, nursing students and men and women of all ages and backgrounds living in New Brunswick and in Pubnico, Nova Scotia. Over 600 words and expressions were collected, including words in traditional Acadian, colloquial and popular French “Chiac” and words borrowed from English.

Fall 2003
Dr. Fernand Arseneau (MD, LMCC, Dip. Sports Med.) from the Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont Hospital in Moncton approached the Université de Moncton’s Centre de recherché en linguistique appliquée (CRLA), looking for solutions to the difficulties medical interns from Quebec were having with Acadian vernacular. Then director, Gisèle Chevalier, agreed to take on the creation of a glossary of Acadian health terms.


We would like to thank everyone who generously contributed to the creation of the GAS.

  • Dr Fernand Arseneau (MD, LMCC, Dip. Méd.), project instigator

  • Marielle Bossé, Professor of Nursing at the Université de Moncton, who helped coordinate our survey with nursing students and established contacts in some of New Brunswick’s Acadian communities

  • Nursing colleagues and students at Université de Moncton - Moncton, Shippagan and Bathurst campuses, who submitted the first words.

  • Véronica d'Entremont and Theresa Mea for conducting surveys in Nova Scotia and Caraquet, respectively

  • Reno LeBlanc (Memramcook), Catherine Léger (Haute-Aboujagane) and Catherine Vienneau (Dieppe), respondents from Southeast New Brunswick

  • Alexandre Enkerli, who conducted a survey in Southeast New Brunswick, compiled information and carried out terminological research

  • Individuals and organizations who conducted surveys and completed our questionnaire (See the book for a more detailed list)

  • Individuals from the following organizations who completed our questionnaire:

    • Foyer Saint-Antoine
    • Dieppe Family Medicine Centre
    • Villa du Repos de Moncton
    • Villa Providence de Shédiac
    • Université de Moncton’s Centre de santé
    • Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont Hospital
    • Hôpital Stella-Maris-de-Kent