Thematic classification
Friday, 19 March 2021Average rating125 Thematic classification /en/content_page/item/125-thematic-classificationSearching for words by theme allows the user to find all of the words divided into four large categories: Physiological systems that are affected by sickness, incidents, physiological processes or secretions: Cardiovascular, digestif, endocrine, immune/lymphatic, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, urinary, and cutaneous Parts of the body which are named or are affected by a condition or an ...
Works consulted
Friday, 19 March 2021Average rating124 Works consulted /en/content_page/item/124-works-consultedSee the complete references in Tools and references. ALEC Atlas linguistique de l'Est du Canada, Dulong and Bergeron BDLP Base de données lexicographiques panfrancophone Claude Poirier and Michel ...
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Words inventory
Friday, 19 March 2021Average rating123 Words inventory /en/content_page/item/123-words-inventoryThe present glossary combines the list of words contained in the Lexique differentiel des termes acadiens lies à la santé and in the annexed Glossaire acadien de la santé (GAS) published in Les mots ...
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Tools and references
Tuesday, 09 March 2021Average rating58 Tools and references /en/content_page/item/58-tools-and-referencesOnline tools Grand dictionnaire terminologique, Gouvernement du Québec, Gouvernement du Québec, Office québécois de la langue française (2002). HEYMANS INSTITUTE OF PHARMACOLOGY ET MERCATOR COLLEGE ...
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About the glossary
Tuesday, 09 March 2021Average rating56 About the glossary /en/content_page/item/56-about-usContext Communicating requires adapting one’s message to reduce distance, whether social or linguistic distance, distance caused by the roles played by the people involved or by the level of ...
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Tuesday, 09 March 2021Average rating52 Background /en/content_page/item/52-backgroundProject Milestones Publication 2020-2021 Website update and redesign to facilitate access through mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops), including the ability to add direct access to a ...
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Tuesday, 09 March 2021Average rating130 Book /en/content_page/item/130-BookThe language issue Given that communication is fundamental to the doctor-patient relationship, Les mots pour parler des maux : lexique différentiel des termes acadiens liés à la santé is intended to ...
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Differential glossary of health terms
Saturday, 02 June 2018Marc LegerAverage rating122 Differential glossary of health terms /en/content_page/item/122-differential-glossary-of-health-termsIn the Maritime Provinces, doctor-patient communication has become increasingly complicated by the regional varieties of the French language. The purpose of the Les mots pour parler des maux ...