The present glossary combines the list of words contained in the Lexique differentiel des termes acadiens lies à la santé and in the annexed Glossaire acadien de la santé (GAS) published in Les mots pour parler des maux (2009). It is the result of an informal survey among the Acadian population and a review of works and databases on Acadian and Laurentian French lexicon. It is a compilation of words and expressions that were suggested by one or more persons who speak Acadian French from different regions and generations, regardless of their sociological status or statistical importance. Geographical locations of the word depend on the location of those who provided the words and, when available, on the inclusion of the word in the ALEC (Atlas linguistique de l’Est du Canada or Linguistic Atlas of Eastern Canada).
Please consult the Lexique différentiel in the book Les mots pour parler des maux to learn more about the origins of the words and how they are used in Canada.